The core of our quest.

Why Does Philosophy Matter Today?

The core of our quest.

Postby Sallice » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:51 pm

If philosophies of the past help form those of the present and the future, then is it necessary for us to try and understand our past as a species and as individuals before we can truly move forward in any field of discovery? Does it matter to you?
As a new comer to the forum I would like to establish many points of view as accurately as I can with my time spent here. However my time is limited for now so I have launched with one of the biggest topics in my mind. Understanding the past, my own, that of my country and the many civilizations of this beautiful planet, and if I have time before bed I will dabble at solving the history of the Universe.
As a huge fan of educated guesses I believe that a solid foundation of open minded exploration is key to answering questions for yourself. Once in awhile another curious mind can help you along the way (Thanks Harry.) however for the most part it is up to us as individuals to collect data and make up our own minds. Unless of course you are satisfied with "the common knowledge" that is being fed to the masses. When it comes down to it, educated guesses are all we have for some of the bigger questions. Those guesses need an origin, they need reasons and logic, I believe a good mix of information we are fed combined with the facts that we are forced to hunt for will not only help us establish our own philosophies and abilities to govern our selves and our cultures but to understand possible future outcomes. Future guesses In love, science, politics, philosophy, and every other facet of life you have time for. Metaphorically being one step ahead of the game.
I may not be the first to ponder these things but I will damn sure be the only one to experience my life and I hope that in the end, all of the hundreds of thousands of words I have written down will help others understand their lives a little clearer. Make that one person ask themselves that one question that can change everything.

Finding the core of our quest before it comes to an end.
"Eyes open."
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:56 am

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