Hey Harry,
cheers for the reply.
Well, first off my thoughts of Islam are many, none of which are positive, so will just leave it at that. Lets just say, not a fan...and that is not even bringing in the extremist element to it.
It seems to me that the newer the religion, the wackier it becomes for some reason
Judaism spoke of in essence an alien encounter (which has been mistranslated into giants, sons of God, etc) messing with the people, genetic modifications, etc..ok, its a interesting and plausible story percieved by cavemen whom didn't know how to possibly compare it to anything, so sort of nerfed the explanations...then of course the really wacky stuff in the torah comes when they start "channeling" said alien gods...thats where you get the whole God loves the smell of a barbecue sacrifice, hates gays and shellfish, etc..
damned channelers..
Then you got Buddism coming along..perhaps the most reasonable religion..more of a spirituality of the personal soul verses a grand rulebook of how to get to heaven. I personally have no real issue with buddism and if someone put a gun to my head and told me choose a religion or die, that would be a no brainer
Christianity comes on and jumps on the coattails of judism..I guess they got bored waiting for the channeled messiah so decided to erm...make one perhaps out of some random guy...make a hero out of a rather ordinary guy whom spoke some new and interesting perspectives.
(there is a point to this)
The founding's of Christianity was ultimately (I believe) to eliminate the nonsense of the church...the seperation of who their gods love (people with clean hands = more loved than people with dirty hands obviously)..and what initially may have been an actual anti-religious movement by this one guy became twisted into just another religion.
(I am aware the story of christ is a borrowed figure from actually a few other ancient pagan religions, but will get past that point due to magic -alakazam- there, you forgot about that)
Then many years later, we got Muhammad coming forward...saying he is the next in a series of prophets, riding the coattails of Christianity..then proceeds to say some of the most nutty stuff yet. (good general stuff that can be attached to just about anything in the future for "proof"). He is the new kid on the block and people in the area are fed up with the church anyhow, so why not adopt this new religion...tada, we got a nightmare.
My thoughts are this...these major religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) all rely on the religion of the previous religion to remain in tact...should that flop, like a keystone, the whole mess will tumble down.
So, a plan of attack would be to focus completely on the root religion, Judaism, or the torah. If that goes, then theoretically the bulk of what follows is on no foundation. The literal translation underway no doubt will chip away at some core beliefs of a quiet universe..(interesting read actually..it is far more specific of what happened and there is no single God...but rather a host of supreme beings, like some sort of government looking over some project).
I found it interesting that the UN has just appointed an ambassador of sorts for any alien contact..after looking at some forums, the majority of the discussions are not the concept, but rather the hair splitting as to the person and who would be a better or worse representation, etc...
this is an action done not in the beginning or even middle stages of the first phase.
References (since I don't know how to embed yet)
(ambassador of earth)
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/spac ... itors.html
(literal translation underway)
(interesting somewhat credible testimony)