I am thinking that - eventually - I'll compile a few "collections" into books and use the "" option (or something similar) to publish on demand. Unfortunately, even though the lulu option lets you publish one book at a time (pretty cheap too - I reckon I could publish a 500 page book for about $18 ) the actual preparation and setup involved is still almost as much as required for a professional publishing effort (a few weeks non stop effort minimum)
And of course that word "eventually" leaves me a lot of wriggle room and it might be that by the time I get round to it, devices like (I want one for Xmas if anyone's listening) will be commonplace and the whole idea of the printed page will have gone out of fashion.
Meanwhile, many of my pages have at least got a PDF option so you can download and print them. If there are any pages which I haven't yet done, and which you particularly want "pdfd" that's only a 20 minute job, so I can do that with relatively little hassle. And once I've done it for you, or anyone else who asks, then it's available for everyone. Just email me with the relevant page details...