I realise that, like many other Israelis, you have been recruited to conduct your own little corner of the propaganda war, so you're just doing your job. Nevertheless, I expected a little more sophistication in the approach. This sort of thing makes me ashamed to admit my Jewish origins.
If, for example, you are going to post to a discussion board, it's good tactics to make it - at least - look like you have read what we are supposed to be discussing. Clearly you and your masters haven't read the chapter this section is dedicated to or you wouldn't attempt to peddle such blatant and naive political spam here.
I usually remove commercial spam the moment I spot it, but I think I'll leave this one here as an example, should any of my readers need it, of the pathetic attempts at social mind control the Israeli regime is prepared to indulge in.
The insult to our intelligence is the most offensive and counter-productive aspect of this childish behaviour. In case the author of this spam bothers to return and read this, Chapter 10 is about the failure of conflict management. Suggestions of bombing neighbours in pursuit of conflict management suggests a certain failure to grasp the message.